Friday, April 25, 2014

The Way We Lie

Recently, I read an article written by Stephanie Ericsson. The article is about “The Way We Lie.” It is really interesting because we all lie. Telling the truth makes people feel like they cannot do anything. It is really harmful “when someone lies and someone loses. “I disagree with Ericsson about the white lies always hurting someone. She says that the person lying is trying to act better than the person who is lied to, but I think that is wrong.           
 In the article, Ericsson used five types of lies, and the first one is “The White Lie”, which is truth more painful to people than a false statement because it hurts people’s feelings and hope. Secondly, the author used “Facades” (mask). When she puts on clothing to see clients, she feels like she is wearing another person’s face, but the mask can be destructive because it is used to corrupt others as a misleading impression of reality. The third one is about “Ignoring the Plain Facts”. Ignoring the truth hurts people because they feel like they are doing the right thing but later they realized it and feel guilty. The fourth one is about “Stereotypes and Cliches”. Prejudgment is judging a person before you know them. This is bad because you are separate and truly never know his abilities in certain things. Finally, the fifth one is about “Out and Out Lies”, which causes the conformation of the lie because we already know the truth. 
In my opinion, I disagree with Ericsson about the white lies always hurting someone. She says that the person lying is trying to act better than the person who is lied to, but I think that is wrong. Sometimes, people lie to help each other out. I know that there are times when I have told my parents little white lies that made them feel better for the moment. Sometime it helps them to bring back their confidence about something and then they can move on. For example, last month my parents were really upset with my brother because he wanted to leave home. He was really mean with my parents. He says I do not want to stay in the same house with you because you are not my parents. You do not understand my feelings and do not give me freedom like other people. My parents were totally depressed and lost. I convinced them that he was drunk and said that it was not true because he was unaware of what he was saying at that time. He does not know what he said yesterday. And my parents believed me. Because my parents are self-confident, they met with him and asked about yesterday. Is your brother right that you were drunk and said that or is that true what you said to us? He was like, yes and I am really sorry about yesterday. If I say something so bad about you then I am sorry. That time I was drunk, and I did not know what I said.  So I am not going do it again in my life. Sometimes lying can be a good thing to do. 

Why Are We So Angry

Recently, I read an article written by Dianne Hales. The article is about “Why Are We So Angry.” We all get angry in different circumstances; this is a normal human emotion. I disagree with Hales about people who are so angry when they are hitting, kicking, and screaming. I think people enjoy what they do every day in their life. People have not experience difficult times. I agree. I think technology, in particular, is bad for young people.
Hales says that, “The people who react by hitting, kicking, screaming, and swearing just feel angry.” She says that having so many things to do makes people angry. As a result, it makes people have a nervous break down. This makes us unhappy, and when we are unhappy we to become angry. I disagree with Hales about people who are so angry when they are hitting, kicking, and screaming. I think people enjoy what they do every day in their life. By getting time to exercise and build physical health helps us to build our pathways. People use so many different things to be physically and mentally fit for their health to work every day; that helps people use different kinds of activity, like yoga, dancing, and sports. As a result, people can have having so much fun by doing this all activity. The activity exercise that helps people to be free from angriness and makes them busy with what they are doing.  For example, my friend used to scream, kick, and swear every day. Whenever he got time he used to dance or start doing yoga. This makes his parents angry because they hate his behaviors. As a result, he never listens to his parents and he keeps doing all these things that help him every day in his life. His physical health makes him more confident about what he is doing every day.  

Hales says that there are three “culprits” that are responsible for making us so angry. One of these is technology. She says that having so much technology makes us unavailable all day, every day. As a result, people have not experience difficult times. I agree. I think technology, in particular, is bad for young people. Studies have shown that young people even lose sleep because of Xbox. This affects their attitude. For example, my uncle used to play games during the night. One morning last month, he came down to breakfast and was a bear to be around. He was not in good shape. My grandparents started asking questions and found out that he had been up all night playing games about Drama and Fifa online with his friend. As a result of not just shutting up and throwing the controller of the Xbox and getting sleep, he was very irritable and miserable in front of everyone around him. Finally we may not even realize the full implications of technology on people’s management and expressions of angry emotions.

Epic book about Tulsi Das

I am fond of reading books. I have read a good number of novels, dramas, short stories and poems. Some books merely give enjoyment. There are others, which leave a deeper impression on the mind. Some books infuse the spirit of nationalism in the reader. But I have not come across a single book so far, which is so good as the Ramcharitra Manas of Tulsi Das. Sri Goswami Tulsi Das Ji is the writer of this great epic. Every Indian has read or heard the story of Ram and Sita. The popular story has been narrated in this book in the most beautiful way. The language of the book is avadhi. We are told in it first the reasons for the birth of lord Rama. On the insistence of various gods and goddesses. He came on the earth in the form of a human being to relieve the pain and suffering of the virtuous. This book is divided into various parts. Every part deals with a particular aspect of life or performance of Lord Rama. Every Indian likes to hear the famous story of Ramcharitra Manas. Some have great faith in it. But my reasons for liking it are quite different. I have found in it, religious, political and social wisdom. It enlightens as well entertains. Indeed, it is a true treasure house of rare wisdom. I will give here only some of the reasons, which have made this, book my favourite. In Hindi Literature it stands at the top. Tulsi Dass Ji has treated all the 'Ras' in it. This is simple. The beauty lies in the fact, that he has not crossed the limit at any stage. The 'Shringar Ras’, which makes the poetry romantic, has been used with rare skill. The similes and metaphors stand unparalleled at their own places. The literary Pandits maintain that not a single word of a single line can be replaced by any other word. The superiority of the composition of the book is reflected in this statement.
Hindus accept it as a great religious book. It lays down the rules of conduct for all. It makes everyone believe that the Lord always protects the virtuous. The way in which Ravana, the symbol of evil, was defeated is well known to all. How the creator of all, Lord Rama, showered his love on everyone who had a firm faith in him becomes evident from this book. The stories of poor old Bhilini, "Shavri" and boatman "Kevat", support this statement. Indeed, as a religious book it cannot be surpassed by any other. The political wisdom of the book is also great. How a good ruler should govern his people becomes clear from the rule of Raja Ram. Even today we aspire to establish Ram Rajya. How a bad ruler becomes the object of contempt of everyone is revealed by the example of Ravana. The way Ram won over the support of Sugriv, Hanuman, and the brother of Ravan, is a good lesson to learn. Many such grains of wisdom are hidden in this great book. Besides, the book reflects the height of progress, which India reached in ancient time. We can be proud of it even today. In social sphere we learn the importance of self-sacrifice. The sacrifice of Rama for his father, brother and people is unique. Sita has become the symbol of Indian woman-hood. Lakshman and Bharat are the examples of good brothers. How the voice of the people should be respected above everything else by a king is shown by the renunciation of Sita by Ram. The achievement of science of those days is yet to be matched by the present day scientists. All these qualities make the book a superb piece of literature. One book may be good from one point of view. Another one may be good from some other point of view. Ramcharitra Manas is the book, which is good in numerous ways. It is my friend, philosopher and guide. I always like to read it.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Unemployment and possible solutions

In the current time period, more then 7.7% of people are unemployed. Although the united states added two million jobs at the end of the last year, it is not enough for this problem to be solved. A major problem in united states these days is unemployment. Government is doing there best to solve this issue, but here are some solution that government might not see, and it would help someway to solve this problem. Change in economy governed by the law of supply and demands because the unemployment, which means government should increase investment and spending on business, bring job retraining programs, link education with opportunity.

First of all, the government spending have more direct and indirect effects on the business; many businesses are depending on government spending for there revenue and profit. For the business that supplies service to the public sector, for example, a construction company that builds the repair the road network. It development computer system for the public sector organization, government should invest a lot on this so they can create jobs. When businesses spend money on work like construction and it is development, they need employ and the more the government spending on this firm, more the employee needed for the work. This may increase the employment rate.

Secondly, the government should bring job retraining programs. Providing job retraining for the unemployment lay off, and dislocated worker can encourage and help them find the job where they can fit into. This training is also helpful on psychological level because many unemployed people become depressed when they cannot find the job and consequently they will quit searching for job and become a discouraged worker. This program can train unemployed people and help find job which matches their skills and education, this could play an important role in bringing job back.

Lastly, the education plays an important role in creating jobs. Our country should find their paths for building and reforming education and training systems or promoting youth employment. High quality education had long term implications for human capital growth and economic growth. The Government should find the way to encourage people to at least attending few year of collage and disqualified to go to school. If government works on these three, increasing investment on work, bringing job retraining program, and linking education to opportunity, in my opinion, it will be a very important step to recover from the major issue of unemployment in this country. If not, then consequently people will be unable to meet their financial obligations, and this may lead to decline their standard of living.




Blurred Lines: Six Countries That Totally Ignored Obama’s Demands

It is embarrassing for a world power to see its warnings so cavalierly disregarded and not just when it comes to Russia and Ukraine. During his second term, President Obama has repeatedly found that the sternest warnings and firmest demands from the United States have been ignored with impunity. The United States has an interest in ensuring that the events in Russia and Ukraine play out peacefully, but the United States does not have any official or de-facto authority over any other country outside our own. You haven't conducted any recent opinion polls have. Americans are overwhelming in support of the President in promoting sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine. Your Republican buddies in Washington will get in line with Public opinion, or risk making an Eastern European war an election issue
I think Obama is in his own behavior, not in the reaction to it. Obama immediately recognized the coup leaders in Ukraine. He should not have done that, he should have insisted that the elected President, either serve his term, or go through legal proceedings that may exist - but Washington announced that Yanukovych abdicated when left Kiev. That is not a real thing. You do not abdicate when you leave the capital. Obama has not abdicated for leaving Washington DC. It is a bit of an outrageous, non-sensual statement. Support democracy. If the guys you are dealing with do not - wash your hands of it. I had the same criticism of George Bush, when Saakashvili clearly violated the peace accord - Bush should have condemned him publicly for it. Instead we calculate - how will someone respond, what is the lessor of two evils. No, calculate what long term effects of not clearly standing up for democracy might be – that is the calculation I did want Obama to make it.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Compare and Contrast Nepal and America

Nepal and America are similar, but there are more differences in natural resources and language. Nepal has its own natural resource like forest, which occupied 37 percent of the whole land.  Water is very important, and Nepal is rich in water, second in world after Brazil. The Soil is great in Nepal because it is an agricultural country. In America there are a lot of geographical land minerals. America have it’s own natural gas and coal. Language in Nepal is so good inside the county, but outside the country nobody understands it.  America speaks the English language, which almost everyone in the world speaks. On other hand America has so many different languages spoken by people living in America. Nepal is a small and undeveloped country, and America is a big and the most developed country in the world. People in Nepal do not socialize in parties. Unlike in America, where must people enjoy partying and having fun with people in their own way. Most people in Nepal there is no idea for summer vacation is to go swim in rivers and ponds, but in America they use to swim in swimming pools and they have plan for summer vacation to go to the beach. Nepal does not  have a various transportation system in the country. They do not have roads like we have in America, and it is so expensive for the passengers. In America there are so many kinds of transportation, and it is comfortable and very easy for passengers to ride in cars, buses and Trains. On the other hand, there are no such kinds of freedom in Nepal like we have  here. Nepal and America are similar in school rule and regulation. In the  classroom they have to speak English. Climate and condition are different, too then here. In Nepal there is no snow, but here it usually snows in winter. Both country can teach us a lot about how different kind of people live in different place but enjoy their life on their own country.