Thursday, April 24, 2014

Blurred Lines: Six Countries That Totally Ignored Obama’s Demands

It is embarrassing for a world power to see its warnings so cavalierly disregarded and not just when it comes to Russia and Ukraine. During his second term, President Obama has repeatedly found that the sternest warnings and firmest demands from the United States have been ignored with impunity. The United States has an interest in ensuring that the events in Russia and Ukraine play out peacefully, but the United States does not have any official or de-facto authority over any other country outside our own. You haven't conducted any recent opinion polls have. Americans are overwhelming in support of the President in promoting sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine. Your Republican buddies in Washington will get in line with Public opinion, or risk making an Eastern European war an election issue
I think Obama is in his own behavior, not in the reaction to it. Obama immediately recognized the coup leaders in Ukraine. He should not have done that, he should have insisted that the elected President, either serve his term, or go through legal proceedings that may exist - but Washington announced that Yanukovych abdicated when left Kiev. That is not a real thing. You do not abdicate when you leave the capital. Obama has not abdicated for leaving Washington DC. It is a bit of an outrageous, non-sensual statement. Support democracy. If the guys you are dealing with do not - wash your hands of it. I had the same criticism of George Bush, when Saakashvili clearly violated the peace accord - Bush should have condemned him publicly for it. Instead we calculate - how will someone respond, what is the lessor of two evils. No, calculate what long term effects of not clearly standing up for democracy might be – that is the calculation I did want Obama to make it.

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